Sunday, December 10, 2006
Utram bibis? Aquam an undam?
Utram bibis? Aquam an undam?
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Published by ADORE media - your post-punk underground media icons.
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Holographic Romance: Utram bibis? Aquam an undam?
is a daily web log
with posting on UFOs, aliens,
consciousness expansion,
quantum physics, the paranormal,
the supernatural,
cryptology, fortean matters,
discordian posts,
Robert anton wilson, David lynch,
cyberpunk culture,
underground culture, cyber culture,
upbeat positive news
stories, space exploration,
post humanism, trans humanism,
mainstream and fringe science,
the occult,
cult television and more –
your daily navigation through the
dreamscape maze of
planet earth....
news about conspiracy
new books
and all manner
of weird fortean news.
Subjects covered in this Charles Fort inspired blog
fringe science
positive news
surreal events
holographic universe
holographic rom
holographic memory
cyberpunk books and news
Bill hicks
Timothy Leary
Lyall Watson
Colin Wilson
Blossom goodchild and modern internet memes
underground art
urban legends
rupert sheldrake and his ideas on the human brain
cosmic consciousness
Time Travel
Time Machines
Many-worlds interpretation
quantum mechanics
Quantum suicide and immortality
Hugh Everett III
Aleister Crowley
whitley streiber
William Gibson: author of neuromancer
Holographic storage
Perhaps a holodeck like in star trek
The Eye in the triangle
virtual reality called VR
Renaissance humanism
what is transcendental meditation?
robert shea
Thank you for your trip
also at
Michael Talbot was the author of a number
of books highlighting parallels
between ancient mysticism
and quantum mechanics
espousing a theoretical model
of reality that suggests the physical
universe is akin to a giant hologram.
According to Talbot ESP, telepathy,
and other paranormal phenomena
are real and are a product
of his holographic model of reality.
Talbot also ties in elements of Carl Jung's
"collective unconscious" theory, as well as
the synchronicity phenomenon, to
suggest the existence of an underlying
unified field that ties all things
in the universe together.
The Bohm interpretation of quantum mechanics
sometimes called Bohmian mechanics,
the ontological interpretation,
or the causal interpretation,
is an interpretation postulated by David Bohm
in 1952 as an extension of Louis de Broglie's
pilot-wave theory of 1927
Consequently it is sometimes called
the de Broglie-Bohm theory.
Bohm's interpretation is an example of a hidden variables theory.
Historically, it was hoped that hidden
variables could provide a local,
deterministic, objective description
that would resolve or eliminate
many of the paradoxes
of quantum mechanics, such as Schrödinger's cat,
the measurement problem, the collapse
of the wavefunction, and similar concerns.
The many-worlds interpretation or MWI
(also known as the relative state
formulation, theory of the universal
wavefunction, parallel universes,
many-universes interpretation
or just many worlds),
is an interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Charles Hoy Fort
(6 August 1874 – 3 May 1932)
was a Dutch-American writer
and researcher into anomalous phenomena.
Today, the terms "Fortean"
and "Forteana" are used to
characterise various anomalous phenomena.
Robert Anton Wilson or RAW
(born Robert Edward Wilson,
January 18, 1932 – January 11, 2007
) was an American novelist, essayist,
philosopher, psychonaut,
futurologist and libertarian.
Wilson described his writing as an
"attempt to break down conditioned associations—to
look at the world in a new way,
with many models recognized
as models or maps and no
one model elevated to the Truth.
The Western World has been brainwashed
by Aristotle for the last 2,500 years. The unconscious,
not quite articulate, belief of most
Occidentals is that there is one map which
adequately represents reality. By sheer
good luck, every Occidental thinks he or she has
the map that fits. Guerrilla ontology, to me,
involves shaking up that certainty.
I see anarchism as the theoretical
ideal to which we are all gradually evolving
to a point where everybody can tell
the truth to everybody else and nobody
can get punished for it.
Above quotes from RAW
Your Naviagtion Through The
Dreamscape Maze Of Planet Earth
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A news blog for the holographic universe
Published in several parallel worlds Since 2005
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